Thursday, March 5, 2009

Do Now

How can practicing analogies and new words and writing in sentences help you in the future?
It can help you in many ways such as helping you write a graphic novel. It can help you while applying for a job since they surely want people who could finish there sentences. You be a ELA teacher with all the experience of your analogies and new words. You can confuse people while using very complicated words. You can now solve those puzzles on the newspapers that you have to 60yrs old and have no life. You can go to RGV center in your little brothers birthday with him and say it was a abdominal surprise since he knew he was getting a party. Those are some ways that practicing analogies and new words can help you in the future.

Word of the Day- I left the country to abscond the MIGRA.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Anology of the Day Answer= Window

Vocabulary= That shirt is abominable compared to that Gucci Leather Jacket.

Monday, March 2, 2009

BubbleShare: Share photos - Play some Online Games. BubbleShare: Share photos - Play some Online Games.

Do Now

Explain, what you have learned in Technology so far?
Ive learned how to type more proficiently. I learned that doing your work quickly and effeciently will get you many rewards such as 100s and donuts LOL. I learned how to use a iMac which ive always wanted to us os X Leopard. Ive learned how to use the finder and love safari(but not more than goggle chrome). Technological stuff like building a tornado with chocolate. Those are some of the things Ive learned so far in Technology.

Word the Day- Wow that's anecdotious the aberham lincon chip.
