Thursday, May 21, 2009


I have been doing better than before am getting back in task. I have been completing all the assingments that the teachers have assigned. I have been working well with my partner Francisco. I have been playing chess in my class with my friends and have now started to spar with my classmates in YU-GI-OH. I have this picture of a really wierd dude in my computer and freaks me out.   

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Script For No Excuses

Ruben and Franky-No Excuses an IDEA culture video 
Ruben-By Franky
Franky-And Ruben
Ruben-Here at IDEA theres NO Excuses when kids dont do there homework or misbehave they pay the price.
Franky-With our three forms of torture West Wing Detention and Lunch Detention
Ruben-When your assigned lunch detention you have to spend a silent lunch in the Ms.Hinojosas Room aka The Ice Box.
Franky-How bout Detention with Mr.Moreno or any of the other teachers here.
Ruben-But after suffering these cruel and no unuseallble punishments you now posses a skill called integrety.
Both-With no excuses you will never want to do a Wrong Deed Ever AGain

Do Now: Reflect

I have since the start of this project procrstinated doing a lot of my dutys. I have yet to do lots of work on the project with my partner Franky. I know how to use photo booth and other programs in the mac. I really like this idea to self reflect and if am not writing about the right thing this is pretty cool. I have lots of work to be done today am going to make the scrip for who specks and I will record some of my voice using later today if I feel the need to do so. I have typed my speach and I will make the little pictures again and I will try not to fall asleep, but I doubt that will be a problem!